Wednesday, October 05, 2005

the mind is an amazing thing...

the mind is an amazing thing...

"...Occasionally, the Warrior sits down...and lets everything that is happening around him, continue to happen. He looks at the world as a spectator. He does not try to add or take away from it. He merely surrenders unresistingly to the movement of life... little by little, everything that seems complicated begins to become simple...and the Warrior is glad."
-Paulo Coelho, "Warrior of the Light" (2002)

My fridate (she knows who she is)...gave me this book called Warrior of the Light some three weeks ago...her timing...impeccable...

the book is one of the best things I've ever received this has helped me realize stuff about a lot of things... the cover says, "short notes on accepting failure, embracing life and rising to your destiny."...

whew...i know...pretty heavy stuff huh?...but sometimes i like the heavy stuff...i'm the type to purge once in a's good for the soul...or so they say...

It's amazing what a little book can do to alter your perception of things...sometimes you think you're in a rut but in fact, if you stay away and watch it happen and just let it happen (like the quote off the book says)...things eventually turn up clearer and simpler...

It helps you absorb and digest what you see in front of's dang hard to do that when you're too involved in it...

So, I am beginning to learn how to stay away...keep my and let things happen...

"The mind is an amazing thing", as that line from one Savage Garden song goes (Two Beds and A Coffee Machine) can will it to do, believe and see anything, just as you can will it not to do, not to believe and not to see anything... you can be passionate about something one morning and be numb about it the next day if you put your mind to it...

It's a difficult process if you are too self absorbed...but if you don't think the world revolves around you and you alone, it can be pretty easy...

I've been told I make people smile...I sure hope so...whatever little i can do to do just that, I would...and whatever more I am expected to do or say just to do that, I would...

I am not big on hurting people...I am not a big fan of heartbreak, but it if I can do anything to soften the blow, I'd do it.

I received a call from a very nice listener, who didn't sound like himself today...I could hear heartbreak...his girl told him that she's been going out with his best friend...

A friend once said that heartbreak is not something you'd want to wish on anyone...true...

So I played him a song...well two songs... (How to Deal by Frankie J and Kwarto by Sugarfree) that was the best I could do...but I sure hope it helped him smile for a little while...

My little Claire-bear suffered from the curse of September and I'm glad that month's over...the heart is always a fragile thing but your mind can teach it, can will it to be strong...

I too have been a casualty of September, but now that October is here, things should be a lot hurt today...but you heal tomorrow...just shake it off...

It's all good...whatever happens...things can't be too bad...we can all afford to smile even on a crappy day...because life is and will always be good.

=) always.


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