Tuesday, November 28, 2006

no more...

You squint your eyes trying to remember
Spirit tired and spent, like it’s been forever…
The sudden stops and starts your heart makes
Remind you of all your tears…your heartaches

But now…today…since it’s been awhile
You suddenly feel too numb to even smile
A hazy memory, a muffled sound in your head…
Feelings you’ve buried alive and left for dead…

It’s been so long ago, ignore a familiar call
refuse to see black see blue, every time you fall…
You cross your fingers, wish ...hope it goes away…
Does it know who you are…who you have become today?

Then it’s right in front of you, do breathe real hard
Too late to turn away, it has caught you off guard.
look it in the eyes, breathe a little harder now…
dig, search for words to say …and how

Suddenly, without warning, your heart is on the floor
You gasp for air…a distant ache in your core…
Yry to figure it out …what this very moment is for…
Your mind counts one…then two…then three…then four

All of a sudden…you feel beat, you feel shaken, you feel sore
In your tired heart, you know—you give it life…no more.


Blogger popstar said...

i love your posts... especially how you give emphasis on the yellow-colored word/phrases... (maybe i should do that too... or not... haha)

keep 'em coming!

more power & happy holidays

Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:22:00 AM  
Blogger kelly said...

ey there melissa, thank you!:) hee hee...i think you're the first to notice the words i highlight in yellow and why i actually highlight them...i appreciate it sweetie:) God bless and Happy holidays to you too!:)

Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:58:00 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

ey hotchick, i wish you a stronger heart...

Saturday, December 02, 2006 6:26:00 PM  

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