Wednesday, October 11, 2006

death of the old school dj

Whatever happened to the legends I wonder?
Those who really made sense and gave points to ponder…

Whatever happened to the on air greats, the best of the lot…
We’re now left with those who think they’re good when in fact they’re not.

Power is now sucked in and spat out and sprayed…
living hell for those who hoped, who wished and stayed…

It used to be an honor to be out there heard by many…
An opportunity anyone shouldn’t just take lightly…
A responsibility, a pride, a duty…
A decent profession that never really relied on beauty.

No heart now plays a role in any game…
Signs that the dance will never be the same…

Back when the Jeremiah Juniors, the North Andrews, the JoeShmoes ruled…
Now there are just a bunch of posers, oh they could’ve had me fooled…

The Logans, the Sargeant Peppers, the Sonny Bs…where could they be?
Their legacies were not passed on as one can clearly hear and see….

What a waste, so sad, so tragic…
No potential, no sense, no magic…

Who put out the fire? Did you pee on the fun parade?
Would you sacrifice decency as long as you’re getting paid?

Good humor, pure wit, kind words are lost…
Mocking entertainment is on at every cost…

You miss, you crave for the good old days…
The witty exchange as your music plays…

Ah, but now it’s clear and safe to say…
Today is the end, the death of the old school dj =(


Blogger Ejay said...

I miss those old school DJs too. Whatever happened to them? But their legacies live on as long as there are jocks like you, Kelly.

I guess what all these new-bloods need is the proper guidance and inspiration, things they can easily get from you. Quoting Superman Returns, "They can be a great people if they wish to be; they only lack the light to guide them."

I believe you can be that light. =)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:16:00 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

ey ejay thank you for the encouraging words, i still have a lot to learn myself...i constantly remind myself of the things i've learned and still learning from people i look up to in the business:) i'm no superman but i wish to try and help out any which way i can sweetie:) bless your heart ejay, always, always:)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:35:00 PM  
Blogger fran said...

hi kelly,
yes i have to agree. i miss logan and the rest of the other dj's. where are they???
but then, they left the airwaves in good hands, they left it to new school dj's like you.
have a good one!
stay su-weet!

Monday, October 16, 2006 9:52:00 AM  

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