Thursday, January 11, 2007

your truth be told...

Coming full circle…to the moon and back
Your heart turns red, turns blue, then

Going around in circles…you feel high, you feel low
You stand and endure
every hit…
every blow

You’ve been there, done that…
you get tired sometimes
You’ve been there, done that…
yet nothing rhymes

But look back …just for a second…and recognize
The you that you’ve become…just now…and realize

That just as you ask for more…you actually have enough
That your aching heart forgives even when you act tough…

Do let it go, whatever it is…life is actually good
the silver lining is there… embrace it if you would.

Free yourself…breathe and just be
The soul you’re meant to be, the soul they never see

Be brave…don’t hold back..release and behold
The true color of your heart… as your truth be told


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